Beyond Need

Do I need to play piano? Better pianists and even more armchair experts are on youtube, etc. So what's the point. I'm not getting paid. It's a pleasure to weave phrases with moving notes that in a moment make you float and thunder in the next. Another way to describe a faceless story that means a lot, but it's hard to tell exactly what and even risking missing the point with overly talking about it yields nothing. Probably the same purpose as hiking a mountain, why do that? Always to drag your self around in the burning sun then a step in the shade a mountain gust makes you that much more alive. Is the point like those people with invisible lists and a superiority complex when you haven't done as many trails. There's nothing like seeing it in 3D, colors, and a peripheral vision. And those keys can play soft on Chopin waltz and be a lullaby for sophisticated people [whatever that ever meant]. Some eras glisten in our memories even though we were never there, an author painted a tapestry of a moment. That Gentleman in Moscow had conversations with his young friend on how a princess should be and of hurt with his old comrade. The flavors jive, the music is good, the more outgoing loose types dance to a waltz with a violinist wailing. So the point so far making moments so dear is to live it. These days there's too much reading about things in LCD screens, self help, self indulgence on screens via incompetent people saying dumb things. But the point is to live it.